Friday 1 August 2014

Barbeque in December

 This is my new blog - I moved from the old one as it was specific to one of the milieus I write in and I realised that could involve me in having an awful lot of blogs.
Since I'm lazy, I decided to combine all my efforts into this one :)

Good morning! And what a pleasant morning it is. A good day to write, oh, about 2k? Shall we go for 2k today? It would be nice to find out what happens next... what, I'm already supposed to know? Lol. I wouldn't do it, would I, if I already knew. Who reads a book when they already know what's going to happen? It's the same with writing one.

I have some idea about it - I even have a plot, because without structure, without a playlist, I feel I'm floating too freely. But after that - anything goes. My characters do what they want, new people turn up and I get much better ideas than I had at the beginning, simply due to the process of being immersed in the milieu and getting to know the characters better.

I think I have the plot because I wouldn't start writing the book without it. I wouldn't set out if I didn't know where I'm going. I'm not one of those people who throws everything in a bag and goes for a random day in the countryside. I've done that. Don't like it. You end up not having anything to eat all day and performing toilet activities without being able to wash your hands. Ew.

Well, I'm sure Stephen King or someone has wittered on about getting from A to B by using a different route, so there's no point me reiterating that here. Back to the book. I left my characters in the middle of a party on the balcony of some old flats - those really old ones where the balcony runs all the way along and everybody's door opens onto it.

It's not their party, it's someone else's. I hope to gods my characters don't have time to stop and have a party or my tension is seriously flagging. The local football team have set up a barbeque on their balcony - in the middle of winter no less. There's beer. A friend of the protagonist has disappeared and my characters are trying to get the partying people to make sense and help them find her. Good luck with that....

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